Welcome to Hereafter: brought to you by The Internet!
I had some trouble deciding between two ideas for the fifth panel. Ultimately I went with a flashback shot of Athena in her gamer days, but I wound up drawing both, so here’s an alternate bonus panel!

Oh, and a quick heads-up: I’ve got a wedding to attend this weekend, so I may not have time to get a full comic done at that time. I may push the next full comic back to Monday and update with some filler art on Thursday. (Haven’t fully decided yet, but that’s the likely scenario.)
Thanks for reading! 🙂
…so internet trolls are actually trolls? 😀
I don’t know if that makes me feel better or worse. :-\
So that’s where trollz come from.
Hah, an enemy guild, that’s excellent. 😀
The link to the comments is not working! Only when I type this:
I’m in HELL????
I’m sorry you had to find out this way. 🙁
Well, there’s no good way to find out that you’re in hell. 😀